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Apvienotās Karalistes Azartspēļu komisija sīki izklāsta jaunus noteikumus, kas dod tiesības patērētājiem un uzlabo operatoru pārredzamību

By - 4. gada 2025. februāris

The Gambling Commission has announced changes aimed at increasing consumer control over deposit limits and greater transparency of customer funds protection by operators.

A further change to the Commission’s Licences nosacījumi un prakses kodeksi (LCCP) will also pave the way for implementation of Government’s upcoming statutory levy.

The changes follow a consultation and are consistent with the 2023 White Paper High stakes: gambling reform for the digital age.

Jaunie noteikumi sniegs patērētājiem efektīvākus veidus, kā pārvaldīt savas azartspēles, atvieglojot noguldījumu limitu noteikšanu un uzturēšanu tiešsaistes kontos viņiem vispiemērotākajā veidā.

No 31. gada 2025. oktobra visiem azartspēļu uzņēmumiem ir jāaicina savi klienti noteikt finanšu ierobežojumu pirms pirmās iemaksas, kā arī jānodrošina šī limita pārskatīšana un mainīšana jebkurā brīdī pēc tam.

Šajos noteikumos tiks izmantota dažu operatoru jau piedāvātā labā prakse un paplašināta tā, lai klienti varētu sagaidīt vienādus standartus visā nozarē.

Azartspēļu uzņēmumiem būs arī pienākums ik pēc sešiem mēnešiem atgādināt patērētājiem pārskatīt konta un darījumu informāciju – tas palīdzēs patērētājiem pārdomāt, vai viņi vēlas mainīt esošos vai noteikt jaunus depozīta limitus.

Our work revealed recent changes by some operators on how deposit limits are offered, which could cause confusion for consumers. As a result, we will launch a short supplementary consultation on proposals to improve consistency and transparency for consumers on how financial limits work.

Operators who hold klientu līdzekļi must already set out in the terms and conditions whether these are protected in the event of insolvency, the level of such protection and the method by which this is achieved. They must also make this information available at the point at which a customer first deposits money.

Jūsu darbs IR Klientu apkalpošana aizsardzības līmeni must be described as either ‘not protected – no segregation’, ‘not protected – segregation of customer funds’, ‘medium protection’ or ‘high protection’.

From 31 October 2025 operators whose customer funds are ‘not protected’ in the event of insolvency must actively remind consumers once every six months that their funds are not protected.

Whilst there is no legal duty on gambling operators to protect customers funds in the event of insolvency, many of them do so voluntarily. The changes will help consumers understand which operators protect their funds and which do not – information which will support them in making choices about who they gamble with.

The Commission’s LCCP currently requires operators to make annual financial contributions to a list of research, prevention and treatment organisations.

This requirement will be removed close to the introduction of the government’s statutory levy (expected to come into force on 6 April 2025) as it will become obsolete. We will notify licensees of the date of implementation as soon as the Parliamentary process is complete.

Tim Miller, Commission Executive Director for research and policy, said: “These changes illustrate our commitment to ensuring gambling is fair and open by improving consumer empowerment and choice.

“These changes will help consumers decide on deposit limits, enable them to keep track of their spending and ensure they are fully aware of what happens to their funds should an operator become insolvent.

“We will now continue our work to deliver our remaining White Paper commitments, including our programme of evaluation.”

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